Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Government who cried wolf?

An "On the Media" segment discusses a new form of IED that is supposedly being supplied by Iran. They are named, "explosively formed penetrators" or EFP's. Many critics are saying that they seem to be having flashbacks to 2002 when Michael Gordon, a chief military correspondent for the New York Times, wrote an article about the supposed aluminum tubes being acquired by Saddam Hussein for weapons of mass destruction; hence the reason for war with Iraq. Vice President Dick Cheney actually quoted from Gordon's article when answering questions about the need of a preemptive strike on Iraq. Now we are being told by the same guy (Gordon) that "unnamed sources" are telling him that these EFP's have a strong connection with Iranian groups such as Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard, the Quds force.
One critic, Michael Massing, has this to say, "And lo and behold, February 10th, in the same column of the newspaper, the same slot as the earlier Gordon/Miller story, we have another story smelling very similarly as having been planted by the U.S. government and very much promoting its bellicose intentions toward a nation in the Middle East. As well, it had very few qualifiers like the earlier story. It talked about civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies providing specific details to support their case."
Is this Gordon character being used as a pawn by the white house to further a cause to go to war with Iran to promote more war profiteering by political elites? Or is Iran trying to push America into war and possibly pull the U.S. too far into the middle east, resulting in an overstretched American military?

1 comment:

mjdunh said...

Did not the "Gordon character" offer his response on air? Why is that not included? You need to be fair if you want to be critical.