Rosie O’Donnell from The View, or (Tokyo Rosie) as she is known by some is alienating the country with her political radicalism. ABC is a conglomerate of Disney will they continue to allow her spread her left wing radicalism across mainstream media? Disney is a company that one typically does not evoke “mean spirited” as synonymous, but yet this is the direction they are headed with Rosie on board. The View, this year has lost numerous viewers in relation to all other years which the show had gained, is this some kind of conspiracy or are people sick of being fed the anti-American gibberish.
This show is supposed to provide opinions to a forum of ideas but Rosie is no match for Elizabeth Hasselback on the show who by large is her greatest adversary in terms of political matters. Rosie the biggest Bush administration hater in all of media, openly advocates nutty theories like terrorists mean us no harm as the US “demonizes” them, “Don’t fear the terrorists. They’re mothers and fathers.” She continually speaks on behalf of 9/11 being some kind conspiracy, (The Lies that Led to War). She referenced two weeks ago now on the show “look at the Gulf of Tonkin” a Vietnam era conspiracy theory. Rosie also supports Iran and if you go to her website it will link you to this outrageous site,(Tell-A-Friend: where they say things like “And isn't it easier to undertake such a dialogue now, before more die, and more martyrs are created to feed extremist passions?”. Apparently Rosie has never herd of sanctions and how they are a form of deterrence for preventing them from gaining the WMD capability, sanctions are threatened or actual interruption of economic ties by an initiator state against a target state for the purpose of that state meeting the political demand of the interior state. No body in the US wants to end up in a war with Iran, that is why sanctions are in place. How should an uneducated person know this though, well maybe that is why we should stop letting people like Rosie on TV to say whatever she feels, rather someone that actually knows what they are talking about.
Bill Maher was fired from ABC after saying the 9/11 terrorists had courage. Why is it that they let Rosie stay when she spreads hate for America and says things like "do not fear terrorists"? This is far beyond left and right party lines, how can people like her be allowed on the mainstream TV. This underlines another story we have seen most recently in the firing of Imus which comes down to the single factor which is, hate. I know that we will never see the day when five days a week we get to see Anne Coulter on a program. Anne Coulter is smarter than all of the ladies on The View combined, and yet we only get to see one side of the spectrum, left wing extremist Rosie an uneducated conspiracy theorist.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
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