Thursday, March 1, 2007

"Stop, Think About It"

Why is America so obsessed with the lifestyles of the rich and the famous? Was it that witty rock song by Good Charlotte that made the citizens of the United States go completely crazy over every piece of dirt about a celebrity? I don’t think so. The major news stations along with the Associated Press (AP) have made an agreement not to cover any “news” stories relating or associated with Paris Hilton for the next week. It was reported to be an experiment.

I don’t get this, what type of experiment is this exactly? The experiment makes no sense. Is the media going to see if Paris can stay out of rehab, not make a new sex video, or kill another dog in a week? Pretty high stakes folks, I mean we are talking about Paris Hilton, and we all know that she is notorious for making headlines as she parties constantly. If they didn’t want to cover anymore news stories relating to Paris, why won’t the media just straight up stop covering her. They make such a fuss promoting the fact they are not going to promote her anymore. I cannot get over this, because I guarantee within the next week, even though the media isn’t “covering her”, they will still cover the fact that they are not covering her.

I think America can do better off without these “week long survival: celebrity style experiments”; as I would call it. I cannot wait to look at the news this upcoming week only to see a top headline “Paris no longer in the News”.

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