In an OnTheMedia clip airing last Friday, Bob Garfield interviewed Jeff Sharlet who wrote quite an interesting article in the newest issue of The Rolling Stone magazine. The article focuses on Ron Luce who is the founder of an evangelical youth group named "BattleCry". Sharlet describes Luce as, "this brilliant media strategist who recognizes that, look, if I speak about war - if I say that media makers, in fact, are like al Qaeda, which he does in his book, BattleCry - if I say these things, these things are so sensational I'm going to get a lot of attention, and I'm going to grab the attention of kids." ("Hear Their Roar", OnTheMedia, Apr. 6, 07.) Jeff Sharlet spent around a week with the teens behind "BattleCry" in Texas at Luce's own Honor Academy. He began to see that many of these teens were just confused at where they were in life.
Sharlet goes on to explain the hatred that Luce and his followers (or confused teens) have for mainstream media and secularism. In the Rolling Stone article, Sharlet describes the BattleCry rhetoric as "militaristic" and as a huge "youth crusade." Ron Luce is quoted from a rally in San Francisco last March as saying, "When you enlist in the military, there's a code of honor, same as being a follower of Christ." Luce believes that mainstream media is corrupting our society and that him and his followers need to destroy it. This evangelical leader hates the media so much that his Honor Academy is a "high-tech school for training kids how to produce media."
"They're very aware that Christian media for decades was just awful and cheese, and it's just pure kitsch. And I think now they recognize that if we can produce really quality media but that nonetheless has this fundamentalist message, then we're going to win kids over. If they can, you know, get to Hollywood and make movies that are actually pretty good, like The Chronicles of Narnia, those become the media equivalent of gateway drugs to bring you in to drink the full Kool-Aid of fundamentalism." (Sharlet, OnTheMedia, Apr. 6, 07)
So is this "Teenage Holy War" just a sly ploy by Luce to gather followers and promote the evangelical gospel? Or is this an extreme fanatic truly wishing and planning on taking down the mainstream media? The scary thing, is that Sharlet also mentions that the "real enemies" of Luce's Christ are not only the mass media but "queers and communists, feminists and Muslims." So thousands of teens are hearing this extreme message of hate and mixing it with religion pushed with a militaristic mindset. Sound familiar? This guy (Luce) is using what he hates (the media) to do exactly what he hates (the corruption of the youth). I do agree that the mass media does have a large strangle hold over the citizens of this country, over their mindsets, but he is using the same tactics he is fighting against to commit the same act as "the evil do-ers."
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Sounds like 'The Wave'. I watched this film (based on a true story) in middle school about it.
It's easy to start a cult and gain momentum by exploiting the weak.
I went to Teen Mania's Honor Academy. It's taken me years to get over some of the crap they did to me. Including: days with out eating or talking, an exorcism, them telling me messages from God, and other crazy stuff.
The are all messed up.
You can contact me on my website if you like
so before you go bashing the honor academy you should know something...
you volunterily come down and join the HA. they specifically go over all the things we will be partaking on and during the comitment banquet you agree to follow the rules or not. simple yes or no. and if you dont agree with the teachings than you dont have to join. nothing is forced and its all volunterily. we dont shun people who leave the HA half way through nore do we shun those who dont committ at the banquet.
so please stop lying about things you dont understand. its very un ethical.
John 1: 5 says
"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness can not understand it."
Jesus died for us so we could live a life of purity with Him forever. When your in love, nothing seems weird to you...You cant help but show your love through outpouring of emotion. I am in love, and am going to the Honor Academy next year. You don't understand this because you don't have His love. But, there's hope, Revelation 3: 20 says "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." He wants you!
In response to Eagle, there is tremendous pressure after "committing" to not leave the HA because you'd be breaking your covenant with God (and probably screwing up your life). Also, from my experience (as an HA graduate) there was definitely a scorning of people who left.
I was at the HA when Sharlet stayed his week and wrote the article. Sharlet's article and claims are just a hair shy of blatant lies. You might not agree with the Honor Academy, but it certainly isn't comparable with 'The Wave' (I've seen it too), and we were NEVER told that our enemy is "the queers, feminists, and Muslims". It might be arguable that Ron Luce is a Fanatic (in fact, he'd tell you he is), but he has a genuine love AND RESPECT for Non-believers.
Haha what a load of poo. the HA is amazing. notice how the whole "queers, feminists etc." was in quotes but had no citation while all the other quotes had them? That's called slander my friend. I'm pretty sure there are laws against that.
I needed serious deprogramming after attending twentyfourseven leadership academy. 24-7 is very much like the Honour Academy, but add in four hours of physical workout daily. It is amazing how much allegiance Ron Luce, and in my case, Christopher Beard, get. I can't honestly say I knew the guy at all; except for my recruiter; she used blatant deception, and was paid for getting me.
Meg, I completely agree. reference:
At the time I really thought myself better than those who got kicked out. It was all circumstance, and chance. In an environment where
a. you have to confess when you break the honour code
b. you have to confess when someone else breaks the honour code
c. you will be kicked out for breaking the honour code, or for knowing about someone else's infraction, and not confessing it.
This is not healthy. Any claims of living the Christian ideal should be deeply considered.
Most of these schools exist for two reasons:
1. Cheap labour for a ministry
2. Reference the first reason
If you're going to sell me a vacation with Christians, then let me buy a margarita while we sit in the sun. Don't promise me the world, and deliver a monastery.
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