Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Terrorist Media and First Ammendment


This interview is with Mark Dubowitz, head of the Coalition Against Terrorist Media. It's a very interesting examination of the First Ammendment. Dubowitz wants to end all transmission that incites terrorist activities and promotes Hezbullah recruitment. Brooke's counter to this is if it imposes on the rights to free speech.

America is a country that prides itself on rights to say what they want without legal consequences. I still don't know how I feel about the interview because this is a very grey area that has been around since the Consitution. In one aspect, I am all for stopping terrorist activities and not allowing them to network into our society; however, by stopping their right to broadcast, it reveals a hypocrisy in our beliefs that bothers me.

There will always be flaws in our beliefs and I have come to terms with that, but if everyone feels the way I do, then who will be left to uphold the black and white of our order?

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